Saturday, May 26, 2007

Kosmo Rabbit Dog

Here's Kosmo.. AWwww !! come on.. what a cutie !! Here's our Baby Boy.
he's almost one year old now and due for his
one year old Injection... Ouch!! must take him to the vet very soon .
We found and bought him from a privately run pound when he was
only 11 weeks old.. he seemed such a shy,timid thing when we first saw him... he wanted to hide in his boarding house kennel,and he didn't seem interested in finding a new home thanks..well..not at first!
( he must have known from the beginning what a strange house he was about to enter) because it took him a while to break the ice..
We named him Kosmo Rabbit due to his enormous ears that stick up just like a rabbits ears..and we do love his ears!!
Anyway..on with this true story.. He must have finally decided that hey!..these walkers aren't that bad after all..and once he had made up his mind.. that was it
..he was the new kid on the block and the new kid in this household ..and he certainly knew how to make himself right at home.
I have all the chewed up furniture and chewed up EVERYTHING to prove it..!

Yes.. after walking those pound pens with all those other doggies waiting for
adoption..and then spotting HIM..well that was IT folks and it was
Definitely love at first sight !! we just Knew that he was our dog
...he belonged to was written in the stars..or in the cosmos even..ha!!

Kossie as we nicknamed him ,or kosso or Kosmo
is a cross between a Border collie and a Kelpie.
A highly energetic dog..a working dog by breed and nature..they like to round up sheep .. apparently ,they like to round up anything at all.. and it's not unusual that they will try to round up humans ..if there's nothing else to round up..heeha!!
it's a lot to keep up with this bundle of sheer amazing power and energy ball of black and white .. and a takes a lot of energy from ourselves
to keep him entertained and happy as he is always wanting to play,or walk,or kiss you or eat something or dig holes and bury stuff or lick your ears out with his long doggie worm tongue..awwww!! that reminds me ..he has to wormed again very soon... or just generally hound us into playing with him..he can be very persausive..for a dog you know!....he's becoming quite spoilt when I really sit and
think about it.

Seeing he needs a few JOBS to keep his mind and body healthy..I had to put my thinking cap on so..
I've taught him to sit at the front door politely and patiently and just wait a bit....STAY kosso stay kossie..good Boy!! good boy Kos!! ..I then proceed to collect the paper (any paper ) from our letter box and I give it to him with instructions ..
"Give it to bob" go on..kossie give to Bob
Kossie will run..excitedly,noisily.. and making a bee line..
usually with paper dragging behind him.... to Bob and then drop the paper at his feet..pretty good there ehhh!!! what a dog..
Kossie ..smartest dog in the have a doggie dog..ha!!
Kossies understanding of the human vocabulary is growing wider each day
He knows the word WALKIE and CAR CAR..I've never seen a dog get more excited than when we say those few words "CAR CAR" to him..he loves his CAR rides even if it's only to the local 7/11 store and he loves his WALKIES...even if it's only a few times around our little court here.
He knows the words DIN DIN..Oh yeah!!
and the word TOY .. Kosso has had many toys
..though most are unrecognizable as pet toys now.. they are mostly chewed,bitten and mangled bits of thing now.
He knows the word LEATHER..No.. we don't strap him with this....we give him
scraps of leather which he just loves to chew on and it helped when those tiny puppy teeth were starting to fall out..
helping to ease the new ones through as well, no doubt.

He has a favourite toy and it's old boot tied to a tree,
it's hanging there from a thick rope on one of our gum trees
and it's certainly his most favourite plaything...Kossie can sound like Rocky balboa when he's NTO that old boot..let me tell ya!! macho dog..ha!! GGRRRRRRRRRrrrrra!!
It's a joy to watch him .. pups just seem to love life so much and they love US so much and it lifts the spirits of us weary old human beings.

He sleeps at the end of our bed at night on his own special blanket
(this is rather strange for us,as we swore to friends that WE would never have a dog sleep in OUR bed..ever)..ha!!..

and it's usually the way that he's awake very early..probably ready to round up those sheep.. and he seems a hell of a lot closer to our heads by morning time.. with his long legs sticking straight up in the air.. he's on his a most comfortable position.. sound asleep..and he's hogged all our doona and I'm sure that's a big smile on his long lipped face!!

Oh the joys and the irritabilities of a new pup in the household..but we couldn't be without him now way !!...there would be such a hollow space if he were ever to leave us.
He is like Sunshine on a very cold day.
I don't use any special pansy type dog foods for him..I do use an australian manufactured dried and complete..and cheap food called WOOF BIX..mixed with any canned dog food(specials) like chum, select and pedigree varieties..anything that doesn't cost a fortune..It's hard enough to feed ourselves here..but kossie does alright..
As a treat he has those dried pig ears and dried meat dog sticks,dog biscuits and some human food..minus onions , chocolate and milk hearing that those foods are very dangerous for dogs.
And.. Occassionally as an even healthier addition to his diet we give him a specially made "fresh dog food" that a friend supplies us with.
This "Other dog food" is made for the greyhounds both the dogs and puppies are fed this mixture.. apparently it has everything in it,all the parts of the chicken and beef ground up and lightly looks revolting..and smells awful to me,
but ALL the dogs we know just love this food..and kossie is no exception I'm sure it helps to keepa dog in good condition physically...all nutrients that dogs need are kept and present in that horrible looking guk that all dogs love..ha!!!!

I have decided not to wash kossie with normal human soap
have you ever seen any type of dog wash itself with soap in the wild..I don't think so !! so...seeing he likes to play under and with my herbs in the garden..especially my lavender.. when I do bathe him ..I use some fresh lavender with a liitle
rosemary thrown in ..I boil this mixture and then use it in some warm water..washing him all over , I think he really enjoys the scent and his bath..and I find that this (my own made up.. herbal formula)..keeps his coat glossy, shining and it's probably better for him in a lot of ways.
Enough said about our new and gorgeous family member he is.

cathy xxx

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The man on the radio said..

Hi people, just another small strange synch.
I've spoken about this phenomenon
a few times on my blogsite here.. and you can find the story in here somewhere called "echo in the room " here's another echo synch.
26/2/2007 I was in the back shed..there were some pots for me to paint ,I was absorbed in my work and painting away ..lost in my 1/2 dream state..which is usually the way itis for me when I paint ..It's a trance like state when you are so focused and painting!.
Anyway there was a talk back show and something about that man imprisoned at guantanimo bay...and hicks.something was said about the judicial system..or the wrongness/rightness of it all etc..etc

So I was thinking to myself ..It has to be "FAIR"..oh yeah has to be Fair!! ..the feeling I had was genuine and I
really felt sorry for that man who has been imprisoned for so long now.I don't think he even did anything wrong ,did he ??..he never even hurt anyone ..It was only the threat of his becoming a terrorist that landed him in that true..?
In my mind I said "it has to be fair".
and a second or two later the man on the radio...ha!! the DJ or journalist says .....FAIR and quite loudly..!!.
I looked up ..and it felt as if someone had just heard my thoughts. and echoed me This happens to me fairly often ..usually by the TV .. but it's happening more often with the radio now, because I haven't been watching any television lately.

Again..BJ's shed on the weekend 2nd march 2007.. I was talking to Bj
and had just finished saying the word BELIEF
and there it was ...echoing right back at me.. within a couple of seconds later..the man on the radio said BELIEF !!.. now this is getting to be a really strange and surreal experience..
my words are being echoed back to me for what reason I wonder..?
wish I could just say "stacks of cash" ..and that would appear
out of the blue..and right into this accepting hand!!..ha! maybe it
will..maybe it will.


Monday, February 05, 2007


Just one of the odd and unexplainable moments in my life that are becoming more frequent, and yes I have read lots and lots about synchronicity, but.... when it happens....? (c)copyrightsynchronicityandsoupcatherinewalker

Monday, January 29, 2007

I absolutely love this painting was done some time ago
I called it queen in solomans temple..It surprised me when I'd finished it..
It felt like maybe it was me another lifetime.. yes
this felt like a former life..a slave girl who was reagrded as very precious hence the name queen
I can't fully describe the feelings connected with this painting ,
but I think it's one of my best...I'd like to put a closer view of it
for you to see..(I'll do that later) as the detail in her
fine and delicate face is quite amazing ..even to me.

How To Contact me
email :


a couple of new paintings

Hi people just wanted to show you a couple of new ones
this one I'm sending to a friend in!!
great to think that some of my work is going travelling
..even if I can't ..ha! I love the colours in this one..and it was
very spontaneous and quickly painted..I'm a little unsure what it's all about..but get the feeling that it's full of prosperity..wealth and happiness..and also there is a stillness there.
the other pic is of a happy mural I've just was on my friends mothers old shed wall..she loved it, she just wanted something to fill an old blank wall..very 60's looking with the bright red flowers..
better go paint some more..happy painting everyone!!

love from cathy xxx

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Magnificent Walls that Bob and I Created

Hi Everyone..These walls took us approx a year to complete.
The Tiles are huge.. & made from clay, they
are hand carved, hand painted, glazed and then fired..
The colours are really wonderful if you could see them upclose.
we also used a lot of grout !!..The walls were made for a
special section of Garden
at a lovely place called the "Hunter valley" in NSW Australia.
with the scenic rocky outcrops surrounding this propery.
we thought these walls looked just Amazing and added another dimension to the already interesting and mystical landscape. The owners
were Just thrilled to see the finished product and they
love these walls..the walls are generating quite a bit of interest.
If you ever want something similar for your own garden.
then email me at Thanks.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The strange orange light in the sky...

This happened in 1993 september though I am a bit unsure of the exact date,I will have to get the paper clipping out ! but I will write about it anyway, It is TRUE documented in our local paper the "Dandenong journal" as others in the neighbourhood had also seen it . Our backyard shed was a magnet those days for all the local youth, my sons danny and simon had many friends and there were always loud parties happening IN THE SHED...Metallica screeching through the streets, echoing everywhere, bands playing their music,testing out their new songs... young boys and girls constantly coming and going through the back gate into or out of the shed.... Some nights we joined them for a game of pool as there was a table set up in there as well, but most nights we kept away and let them do their own stuff .One night , one of the Mcvicar brothers(oldest friend of our sons) wandered out of the shed and into the back yard.. (my hubby) and I were inside watching something on the T.V. when we hear a call from "COME OUT AND LOOK AT THIS" !!! we went out quick smart and others from the shed came out also...there were 7 of us that night watching the our amazement there was something strange coming..very slow...from the west, the sky was a beautiful clear summer sky, with stars visible...all was clear except for this orange..sort of blood /red orange light drifting with a halo around moved towards us at a very quick and alarming speed... and sat there motionless/hovering and it seemed to be watching us? We said to each other ..It's not a plane or a sattelite, or a copter...what is it. Then I screamed at it...and I should not have done so.....DO SOMETHING CRAZY...ZIG ZAG IN THE SKY !!! I know I have a very deep and resonant voice, but I never expected it to really do as I said...but it did, It made this incredible zig-zag movement then shot straight up into the sky , leaving a white trail behind so strange, but stranger still...that crazy things did start happening in this house after that event. I have written to other sites, that are interested in these things... about this phenomena, and no-one seems to have any real answers. Do you think they are aliens ? or the government checking out the local hoodlums ?...the U.F. O secret government controllers to SHUT UP THE LOCAL RIFF RAFF?...But I do know this, I will meet that light all my instincts tell me that I will eventually have the real story of these lights in the sky....May the Power also be with you

Have you ever seen a real halo...

Have you ever seen a halo around a persons head,because I have.
The person was someone I really liked, but seemed to me,to have turned rabid - at a certain point in the aquaintance.I actually thought of him as an "enemy" for some time there,until...One Day,he visited and as he was standing there,in the kitchen I was witness to an incredible light that shone all around his head,a light like thin and thick needles of colour.. dancing ,moving rapidly,outwards and up as if jiving- to a sound,of some type.I couldn't hear the music but "sensed" that this light was a part of some big orchestra, somewhere... out there.It is very hard to put this vision of light into words..and when it happened I could only think "Beautiful" then raise my hand,(my left hand,in absolute awe,in order to follow the lines of light while muttering/mumbling ..something like "there's a beautiful light around youuuoooohr-- ahhhhead!".Now this light, was not completely unlike some of the halo's that I've seen in very old religious paintings of christ and the saints, though the light that I saw was more like a large version of the light that you see shining around a lit candle,not a solid gold disk as some of those paintings depict. The colours I remember were white, blue, silver, gold and I think a little bit of pink ? They were RAYS, very clear rays of light. I knew the light was coming from him, because he was standing near our kitchen window and the rays of the sun were also shining through the window, I noticed that the suns rays and his were different and that his light was shining in the opposite direction as if going up to meet the sunsrays? so I was watching 2 very different yet distinct lights at that moment,and I am an observant person,I know what I saw,it was not a trick of the eyes or vision problems..also I wasn't stoned ! and to this day, I really don't understand it,I think about it all the time though. I know that we are all supposed to be made up of energy ,vibration and light, scientists are finding out more and more about the make-up of matter. My questions are, why did I see it on that particular day?,how did I see it,what part of my eyes could see it? what was the symbolism behind seeing it?,what was the means or the method to see it?,what caused it? what was the significance? I will never forget it truly something to see! ..Heavenly ,Divine or Pure are some the words that come to mind, when I think of this encounter but also it was very strange - to say the least.

P.S I noticed one other thing,about this event,and that is...that he had done a little turn,a sort of swing around, A U Turn..just
before I noticed this light around him.I have no idea why he had made this movement, but I do know this now, He was never really my enemy, because in truth I have no enemies. May the power also be with you.

Super Nova

I remember painting this, many many moons ago, and it took hours and hours of time. I don't know why but I ended up selling it to a lovely Greek boy that my sister was going out with at the time...and I sold it for a song. Not to worry , it went to a good home and the purchaser had a beautiful name...EMMANUEL...I hope he still has this painting hanging around somewhere.MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU

synchronistic message for the day..



Synchronicity and the rose

Hi, Reading my notes I came across a small but interesting little
pile of notes -all about my synchronistic experience with "ROSES". At one stage,I
was seeing or hearing
about roses rather consistently,
and wondered what the significance could be.Within
a short space of time,maybe 3/4 months or so.. - this is what occured.
I was given a dress with "ROSES" on it.A friend starts work
in a hippie shop called Heidi "ROSE'.I meet Jamies new girlfriend ,
her name is "ROSIE". I receive letters from Bobs Mother with "ROSES"
on the stamps.I watch a lady paint
"ROSES" on a ceramic plate.My sister gave me "ROSE" water from lebanon.
My brother + wife give me an oil bottle, with a few small
"ROSES" painted on the front.I gave away a book called the Eagle and the
"ROSE". A gift from a friend was a heart shaped box with "ROSES" on
it. I read a book The gentle brother by white eagle and in one chapter he
about manifesting the "ROSE"...a divine expression of purity.
Across the street from us, I notice they are growing "ROSES".
I read about Mary the Mother of God- associated with the "ROSE" and "ROSEMARY"
My oldest sister thinks the "ROSE" is the most beautiful
flower and wants to grow a lot of them with great enthusiasm.
I hear the expression "everything's coming up "ROSES".
I remember a childhood rhyme...Ring a Ring of "ROSES".
I hear the expression "ROSE" coloured glasses....apparently,... I'm looking through
them? I hear, Make time to smell the "ROSES".I hear, A "ROSE" by any other name...The old band "ROSE" Tattoo is mentioned by someone?. Amongst all these "ROSES", I remember Jesus "ROSE" again ! Anyway, what I am saying is that I can't fully understand the
the synchronicity,the consistency,seemed like an urgent message but what it
was trying to convey,I do not know, however, it was all very odd and
I guess quite wonderful, as the "ROSE", is truly a most remarkable flower,though not my favourite . My favourite flower in all the world is the "Frangipanni", now I wouldn't mind manifesting some of those in the here and now, but it's a tropical plant and I don't think it grows too well in melbourne .Oh and by the way,there's one more thing,not long...before my mother died,she gave me a set of blue "ROSARY" Beads,they are gorgeous and were apparently blessed by Our Lady,when children were having visions of her,a few years back,in Medjugorje.I know that there were a few other ROSE moments, but I didn't write all of them down. STRANGE say the least.
I look in my bookcase and I see a book with a picture of sean connery on the cover and you guessed it, it's called the Name of the "ROSE". MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU

dreaming similar or same dreams

Strange how sometimes people can dream of similar or exactly the same things.
I was going through my dream book and was suprised to find- that not only had some of my dreams become a reality, but that I and members of my family have had the same or extremely similar dream .Simon woke -one morning to tell me that he had been "drawing something on the road" in his dream...Thats funny,I said because I dreamt of "drawing on the ground" same night ,similar dream ? A few years ago,before my beautiful mother died, we were talking on the phone, and I mentioned that I'd had a strange dream of being in a sort of boarding house,it was a large old house anyway.There were a couple of children in the top part of a bunk bed,-one had a teddy bear,I think it was a boy + a girl, they didn't speak, but I had the distinct feeling that they were "waiting" for someone- they seemed calm -but had that real waiting look. I go to a curtain and pull it aside to find 3 men with the same waiting looks on their faces- apparently in MY double bed I order them out...I look into another room with a small light on the wall above a desk, and there is my mothers brother who is a catholic priest, he has his back to me and is busy reading or writing something at a childs school desk. I inform the 3 men that "My uncle is a priest you know"...(I must have tried to use him as an authority figure,in order to remove them from my bed )Anyways..before I could finish my story to mum she said hang on cath,...(same person in our dream ) I dreamt of Father last night too !, well- I gasped,I was shocked.. it was uncanny so I asked mum what had happened in her dream and she said that the only thing she could remember was Father saying to her...
I'm going to give you the "tattslotto numbers" and he handed her a bit of paper?.We had a good yarn about this dream, mum even mentioning it to her brother- who asked whether he should go out and buy us a ticket?..but mum said no, maybe she should have said yes? By the way, Father did look after parish on Kangaroo Island ,off the coast of S.A many years ago, we visited there once and It was a beautiful Island apparently still is..Father had and still has though retired now, a wonderful reputation for being an honest, gentle and very caring man,everyone who meets him loves him, you can't help it, as he's just that sort of person. Mum mentioned that there were some old run down type buildings there,
I do often wonder about that dream -I'm sure there is something to it ! by the way...This Blog feels a bit hidden too! May the power also be with you.

synchronicity and lotto numbers...

Hi, This story also goes back a couple of years, most of my stories do.
It's almost as if my life has been "on hold" for some time,hopefully getting ready for the next lot of coincidence....who knows. Anyway, one day I had worked hard on putting together my lotto numbers, in fact I was spending so much per week on tickets that I probably could have gone on a long relaxing holiday instead, which would have been a better deal. Anyway ,I was trying dream numbers and the numbers that seemed most predominant in my life, to no avail,so tried some others and can't really remember why I decided on this particular set of numbers ,but had my 6 numbers ready anyway. I then proceeded to call out loudly,(I do this a lot)I NEED the numbers Lord,... I need the "Winning Tattslotto Numbers". My oldest son Daniel had been reading the herald sun at our kitchen table,he was studying the lottos past results etc. you know that little square with all the numbers and the total times the numbers have been drawn. ...anyway he calls out to me... I'll give you some numbers Mum. He proceeded to give me 6 numbers that he had picked,after studying the form. and I was absolutely shocked to hear him pick 5 numbers that were exactly the same as mine! He had no idea that I had been silently and secretly picking out numbers in my room
The same numbers that I had so diligently worked on, were being repeated back to me by my son !... Hang on Danny ,this is STRANGE,don't you find this odd,to say the least, how is this possible!,To me,this was incredible,I was practically gasping for air, thinking "That's It God has finally given me the winners"... Danny ,not looking too perturbed,just shrugged his shoulders, seems he doesn't think too much of such synchronistic occurrences. One or two weeks later, those very numbers won me just over $900.This is totally True and to me totally "amazing" and was a definite response from something out there to my call for help. Why it doesn't work "All the Time" ,I just don't know ,but if It's possible a few times then "Synchronicity" must be some type of a "System" that we just haven't "Discovered" the "Secrets" to yet.Bear with me now as
I must also tell of another time, when I had been putting my tickets on week in week out and never missing a draw ...I did this for months on end, (no wonder I'm broke) then One day,I forgot to put my tickets on ...and you guessed it, 5 of the winning numbers came up. Bob found me crying hard in my room, blaming everyone and everything I could think of,muttering ,cursing,sobbing,yes it was very upsetting for me,as I had wheeled the numbers and my prize "WOULD have BEEN",(don't you hate those words)..a little over $2,000. I wondered how GOD could be so Cruel(in fact I asked him )"Do you enjoy playing tricks on people like that"?...until eventually, I brushed my tears aside,consoling myself with the thought,and then actually Thanking God, that it wasn't the 6 numbers that I had missed out on ,as some people out there have experienced....poor sods! So for all those who ever missed out on the lucky 6,in a similar manner I do sympathize,and greatly,and yes we do know a couple who had this happen to them, dry your tears and console yourself , then say ...well at least I didn't miss out the European Lottery, and It's.. $400 million or so. Now wouldn't that really be something to cry about. MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU .

synchronicity and paul weller wild wood..

Just me again, remembering another very interesting synchronistic moment.
B.J- my friend - in the "Synchronicity and Soup" story,is a beautiful Danish woman, we've known each other now for about 17 years or more so...I am recalling quite a few times
when strange things happened when we were together. This particular night she asked me over to her bungalow ,which was at the back of a great old farm in Koo-Wee-Rup (Funny named place ) Anyways we did the usual things ,walked around and visited the free range happy chickens and ducks, we talked to the cows and she introduced me to the farm owners, also Danish and very nice people- we were given some Emu eggs on the proviso that I painted some for Kate so she could send them back to denmark.We went and chatted to the calves and generally had a lovely day. Night time arrived we ate , talked played music and finally bedded down for the night..As there were only 2 small bedrooms, one for Beej, and the other for Monte, I bedded down in the lounge...she opened the blind so I could see a fabulous star filled sky..I felt content, happy in fact ,as I don't get away from home too often and this was a lovely place to be,It was a holiday !. B.J put a C.D on by a Paul Weller,I had never heard of him before and I think the Title of it was "Wildwood", anyways I am watching the skies and suddenly an "orange" shooting star whizzes past..High up but very clear to see. To my shock and amazement, the very next song that clicked on and that Paul Weller sung was this one.
DREAM IN DISGUISE..ANGELS ON SILVER STRINGS HANG FROM ABOVE,LET LOVE AND LAUGHTER SHINE WHERE EVER YOU GO...etc etc , go read the rest of the song. This timing was extraordinary , as far as I was concerned, It completely suprised me and I thought it was one of the most wonderful moments, almost like someone out there - somewhere was trying to give me a strong message of hope and love. May the power also be with you .

An..Aesops Fable

Hi , this has nothing to do with synchronicity,although a few of us might need this as a small reminder - I came across it, when sorting through my old paperwork, and I had a laugh.It was always a favourite of mine,and has to do with "PRIDE",usually the downfall of us all. I'm not even sure if it is an Aesops Fable, but that's what was written at the bottom of the page ,I think I was about 17/18 when I copied this down,and it goes like this...
*moral of the tale is self conceit leads to self destruction
may the power also be with you.


I found a great site,and It's for REAL...SEND YOUR NAME TO PLUTO!. Apparently, a space ship is going to try and reach Pluto in 2006 and NASA is allowing people to sign up and have their names written on a C.D and sent with the Mission. I signed up for all this Family yesterday, It was great fun...they even give you a certificate(if you have a working printer, unlike mine)to print and keep as a momento. I think it's wonderful but even more wonderful was the Great pleasure I had in telling the 3 Men in my Life that I had ...SENT THEM ALL TO PLUTO!!. The url is http://pluto.jhuapl.edul/ Go to the side of the site and you'll see the part that says sign up to send your name to pluto.
Hi, just wanted to write down someones definition of Synchronicity This definition of synchronicity is from site called "Whatis", This is only a snippet, but I liked the no-nonsense approach, in their description. It says that "Jungs Ideas" - are that the synchronistic experience ,perhaps "Mirrored or Echoed" peoples "Concerns" or "Thoughts".
And from a Scientists point of view...Some scientist see potential evidence of synchronicity in areas, such as "Quantum Theory","Chaos Theory" and "Fractal Geometry".
Skeptics argue,(from the Skeptics dictionary?) that the perception of synchronicity is better explained as "Apophenia",which is the human tendency to seek and perceive connections between unrelated phenomena.
If the skeptics are right then I (cathy walker) proudly call myself an Apopheniac !!!... Though I much prefer Jungs and the Scientists explanation of synchronicity. I must add that if you can remember from one of jesus'teachings, he said that you will receive whatever you ask for,in his name.I have a feeling that we are learning how to really ask, and have our prayers answered almost immediately, and that in true synchronicity ...when things seem to magically manifest instantly, It is the direct result of "asking" in the correct way..... of course this is just a theory from cathy walker.MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU.

The true synchronicity and soup story..

A friend was visiting,.. she was in the kitchen and decided to cook something.I was in my room and had just been reading "A Course in Miracles", a Holy and beautiful book that I've been studying for about 10 years now...anyway-she calls out... cath! and I go skipping into the kitchen,my youngest son was just leaning against the sink having a bit of a chat to B.J, who was stirring up something in a bowl... Now it gets weird!...she says have you got some chicken noodle or french onion soup cath ? I go prancing to the pantry with exclaimations ..of sure,... we must have soup here somewhere? I rummage through the cupboard...surely I have some here?..searching searching... Then suddenly, there is a knock on the front door?. Monte, who is B.J's young son is standing there with quite a few packets of "Instant soup"in his hands,all different varieties...he is saying MUM.., moome (which is grandma in french mauritian,though I'm not certain of the spelling!) wanted to know if you needed this soup , she was cleaning out her cupboard and found these packets. Well I just GASPED, I was so shocked and B.J was also at a loss for on earth did this happen, The cosmic joker ? God answering my call? . Montes grandparents live across the road from us , there is no way that anyone, except for those in my kitchen on that day,and maybe God himself,who could have heard my cry for the soup at that moment.How does one explain such a synchronicity? This sort of thing is happening to me more and more, maybe it's connected in some way to the course in miracles...something is trying to give to me ?Is it God ? These sorts of synchronicities are increasing and I have many stories like these...All True and All very odd moments, may the power also be with you.

Echo in the room...spooky..!!!

ECHO IN THE this is SPOOKY !.........
Hi,I don't know about you, but I have been having some unusual things happening while watching T.V. This strange "happening" thing is becoming more and more frequent,It's a repeating symbol of some type.
and I can only describe it as ...spooky !.I can almost count the number of times it has happened and it would be getting close to 20 .This is the synchronicity...I will be sitting in the lounge, talking to 1 or 2 of the 3 men in my life(hubby and 2 sons) or maybe a visitor (though visitors are rare these days,we must have frightened them all away )anyways,I'll be talking and I'll say a word in the conversation to them, take just for example the word "gate"..Then, In the very next instant,and I mean instantly! someone on the telly repeats the word I just said.! Now tonight I said something about "CAKE",as I just finished this word,the host of a show said "piece of "CAKE". Last week there were a couple of words repeated as soon as I said them,and the previous months there were other words or even phrases.I always turn to the people in the room and say "now,didn't I just say that?" I tell you,
that this is becoming more and more commom, and it is getting a little strange, to say the least. Simon,my son...
the one who could easily try the patience of a zen monk.. said to me, Mum It seems to happen to you a lot around the "Food" words ,(read my synchronicity and SOUP story) and you know he is right! as there has been quite a few times when a food word was involved.
Why these repeated words crop up so frequently,is a real mystery.Tonight,though,I started to call out "LETTUCE" in the hopes that god, would,get the symbols mixed up and send me money....but he didn't. Maybe I should be saying "MINT" or some other food/money related me out here, if you have some suggestions. It probably needs to be spontaneous, but,I'm pretty sure of one thing though, that these synchronicities have something to do with the sound of my "voice", as not only do I have a deep and resonant voice, but it is very distinctive in it's high and low pitches and people are always commenting about the way "I sound", sometimes,not very nice remarks at all,in fact some comments, being down right hurtful and insulting.There were a few times,in my life when men or women would say that I had a very sexy voice,(I liked those times )but most times, I could plainly hear people laughing at the odd tones they were hearing, coming from me, one person even said to me..gosh,where did you come from... with an accent like that ? I explained that my mother was middle-eastern and my father was aussie,I was born in Darwin N.T,and went to primary school there. Then we lived in Adelaide for a while ,where we had constant contact with my New Zealand born and raised / but English descended grandmother, and also the other granparents who were extremely Lebanese... before finally settling in victoria..where I was sent to a catholic convent school for the high school years of my education....would that explain the strange voice ? ..God, Maybe I should have those voice lessons ..what are they called? On second thoughts I think I'll
just leave my voice alone and maybe,...just maybe (to repeat myself) I will learn the secrets to Instant Manifestation, with this funny and unusual voice, and have the last laugh! . MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU.

Manifesting $1,000

In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way,
in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all,
I intend $1,000,000 to come into my life and into the
lives of everyone who holds this intention.

This is from a web site I just came across about
an experiment... in manifesting $1000 for yourself and others
Pass it onto a friend..and say it everyday...meditate on it
Intend for it to HAPPEN...keep your eyes open for signs
of it's coming ....and I hope you get your $1000 soon.cathyxx

The moon is Gold...

I see the moon is gold tonight
I guess it means ...that we're alright
because if it were... a lonely blue
Then It could mean...I'm missing you ...

I'm glad it's such a golden moon
could mean ...I'll see you... very soon
I'm glad it's not an angry red
I'd maybe cry... and go to bed....

Oh yes the moon is gold tonight
not like the moon that gives one fright..
not like the moon where shadows fall...
This golden moon has "got it all" !

I see the moon is gold tonight
no hungry werewolves..out to bite
No witches..flying on their brooms
no ghosties walking ...on their tombs

I like a golden moon it's sure...
Like magic kisses, .. heavens lure
I claim this golden moon as mine
It speaks of Love..and things divine...

I stand and watch this golden moon
and even stars are out to swoon...
And lovers everywhere can see
This golden moon for you and me....

Love cathy xxxxx

Manifesting Love First ...

Hi there,
I am quite excited about the new Book I'm reading
It's a book on how to draw the things you really want
into your life ..more Quickly, It's a speed
manifesting book ....
It's a Life Transformation
package presented by a man called jorj.I
remember reading stories, a few years ago about
Alchemists in ancient days (and even these days) and
how they tried/try to change lead into gold,by using
all types of scientific formulas , astrology, symbols,magic
..and the like.

Well,after a lot of research...that is,
(reading the books that attracted me). ha! I've come to the conclusion
that there was something
more to this alchemy than meets the eye. I think that the lead
into gold
was just symbolic for a greater "secret
knowledge" and that is, that the "Mind" is the ultimate Transformer
the ultimate- missing or secret part in the alchemists formula..
the most vital ingredient,along with beleif
and a big pinch of Love (of course)
This "Mind" ingredient, doesn't just change metals like lead
into gold or poor into rich ! but can manifest
anything and everything one desires/wants/needs.

Now getting to the point, if the Mind is so powerful, one has to be very careful about what one "makes" or "creates" from the mind. I've been studying a "Course in Miracles" for years now and trying to follow the directions and do the lessons
for the day,It's not really an easy course. I started about 10 years ago, and I know it's lessons take a while to sink in.. with me ,but there is one thing I've learned,from the course in miracles and that I want to share with you,... because It's very IMPORTANT. If you begin to manifest your desires...and they
don't end up being quite what you "really wanted"...If you've made mistakes,big and small in your
dreams,ideas /thoughts/life.. then turn to God , and say -Thankyou God, Give me ,this day-
"What you would have me have".I've found that this prayer is the most simple & beautiful thing to say to God, because now the day is "All" in his hands..and there shouldn't be any major mistakes...(unless,of course god's having a really bad day himself) only joking !Anyway,the point I'm making is... God knows what you need and what you want this day,... you don't, go look up your past records!, akashic,diaries memories or other sorts of records, for a criminal, it could be a criminal record.. you will see that..somehow, you got it wrong, maybe made a big mistake,that cost you plenty... It caused pain to yourself and others! So Today,Your Day is offered to god, he will give it back to you, make it Wonderful and will decide for you.. whenever there is a decision or an action to be made.
..Thats the lesson for you today, and a big "Reminder" for me ,from "A COURSE
IN MIRACLES".As these lessons learned, arrive to me, I'll pass them on to you, they might be helpful. Now you might ask...but how do I know if god has really made that decision and not me? Good question..Well you "see" and "feel" if you have any "pain" in the "situation"...If there's no will definitely gain...(unlike that other quotation)- See, if anyone is really hurt by the decision, as "God is not cruel", so the outcome will be Joy ! IT'S A SIMPLE, BEAUTIFUL FORMULA. Ps OF COURSE IT'S A WONDERFUL THING ..TO KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY WANT, HAVE IT MANIFEST AND BE TOTALLY FULFILLED BY IT....AND THERE ARE PLENTY OF PEOPLE OUT THERE IN THE WORLD THAT DO THIS,I'm still working on it with gods help,...I'm just a student.. but if you're like me, and sometimes you are making "painful" creations,along side your great ones.. then hand it to God..I've worked out that one of the most important questions to ask yourself is.. "WHAT DO I REALLY WANT". This question was put to me
by a friend one day, My answer
was "ROMANCE"...,meaning.. more "LOVE"... (the dictionary puts love & romance together)- however, I think the universe got it a little mixed up, or didn't hear me correctly.. and sent me
"ROMANS" instead.. because that's what seemed to be surrounding me at the time- ha ha !! So until I can get it right,and until I know what I really desire.. I'll just keep saying Lord god, Give me what you would have me have this day.It Works...because I haven't had the "hell" that I was in, for some time now (well the flames have subsided a little at least) - Regards Catherine. There is another Beautiful prayer that you could say along side that one and it goes like this
God, what would you have me do,where would you have me go,what would you have me say..and to whom...God usually guides you after you say this with an open mind and heart. pps THIS IS MY NEWEST PRAYER THAT I'M WORKING ON... Thankyou God,help me to manifest into my day, here and now, the ability to know for certain what I really want/desire ...for my own complete joy and for the benefit and happiness of others,and because I'm a big girl now, you're a busy person and I should be making some fruitful decisions by now.Ha! AMEN.

AND MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU. Thanking Jeff at "Feeble Minds" web site for the free heart gif xxx

In the Light of truth ..ABD-RU-SHIN

Hi there, I'm having an interesting conversation at the moment
with my newly acquired friend...he's a physicist..WOW ! Anyway,
the conversation is about a Book and a
man called ABD-RU-SHIN,who wrote a most remarkable Book
approx 60 years ago, and the book seems to have made a bit of a
come back - I notice there are a lot more web sites now, about
this man and his books,than there were a couple of years ago.
I bought the book over 12 years ago, at a little market, which
of course had a book stand...I strangely enough, headed straight
for this Book, which was a boxed set of 3..and looked to be
in brand new condition,
and I remember clearly, that the seller remarked that no-one had even
bothered to look at it..I grabbed what I thought was a bargain for $15.
Little did I know that I held in my hands a box full of wonders,
and a present from GOD himself.
The most interesting thing about this book- as far as I'm concerned,
Is .. here was a man claiming to know the workings of Creation !
Can you grasp this...he knows how the universe is run by our creator!
Now this is a mighty big claim, but you know this man does an exceedingly
good Job of it. It's a book all about GOD ,his Laws and what you have to do
in order to live a really fulfilled life,to be blessed by god and also the Laws
you must follow in order to claim GODS Grace , rewards , & basically
what to do in order to enter...Heaven.
This man, makes no bones about the Laws..which appear somewhat strict
to a fairly undisciplined person myself (as much as I Love GOD)
The Laws that ABD-RU-SHIN talks about, in clear, yet highly detailed form
are said to have come from his visions, prayers,& contemplation. There is
so much in these books, that you have to really concentrate hard
as you read each page..the book is almost scientific, the deeper
you go into it..It's wonderful for all curious minded and serious seekers
of GODS Nature. Truly, a never to be forgotton read, although I must admit
that it takes a few readings to fully comprehend ....what is being revealed
by him, as the message is so deep.

The Book is called "IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH" ..the Grail Message
If you are interested in the spiritual aspect of Life, I think you will
love this book ...but do prepare yourself , for some homework, as It
is rather, the sort of book that will impact you greatly, and I'm sure you'll
need to take notes.Many Laws are there in black & middle ground!

You should also go to a web site & read the short BIOGRAPHY,
about this very incredible, and I think truly lovely man
who obviously had a hard time in life, during the German Natzi Era..he
wrote his book secretly, under threat of death, which only adds to the books
mystery and its mysterious reappearance in our lives.
This Book is not for the faint
hearted- You will want to throw the book down... when you find out that
GOD is no airy fairy, always gentle & give- you- what- you- want sort

In this day and age...with a lot of morality
"gone out the window" (so to speak)..We could probably do with a Ruler
like the one,in ABD-RU-SHINS Book and..I wouldn't usually agree with
such authoritarian,dictatorship such as this GOD has ...yes he's quite a
tyranical sounding saviour! An almighty
Lord who has the right to rule the universe and everything and everyone.. in it
I'm more the anarchistic variety of human woman, and reject a lot of Rules.
REMEMBER...unlike our typical Governments in this world,...this GOD
according to this author,...never gets it wrong
..his infallible nature and his set forever laws
..will only lead to joy and a Happy World...and Anarchist or Not...we ALL WANT
& NEED A HAPPIER WORLD. Go buy the Book and delve into a most unusual story,
where GOD rises to meet you, with a set of strict ..yet perfect instructions,
on how he wants you to live your life.

Regards Catherine Walker
Thanking jeff at "FEEBLE MINDS" for the free UFO gif

This is a little Beauty called "Aliens on Holidays",(c)copyrightcatherinewalker1991 see the Balloons and the sunnys. One day...
I just had this great thought that maybe the "visitors" that have been seen from the light ships...could just be on EARTH, you know how some people just jump on a plane and go to Rome or France! ...though I'm sure the Aliens (if there are any ) have come a lot further for their Holiday. One of my sisters was good enough to have this painting turned into a T-Shirt, and it looked fantastic,there's new T-shirts now,in my online shop and eventually I'm going to turn this painting into a "Print",as I'm going to do with the other paintings on this Blog.Please read what I've written under the other paintings.Thankyou.

Why the Wolf ..?

As I go about my day to day living...
I notice that the "Wolf" making
his presence felt ...
In fact he has been calling out or Howling,
on and off for many a year now...and I'm wondering why!

Here are just some examples on the string...of minor
synchronicities...which may..or may not mean anything much...

When we were young my Father would often play us
records , all sorts of musicals..and we would sit
around listening ...
to this certain peice of ..beautiful musical composition,as
we were enthralled by it....
The name of the composition was "PETER AND THE WOLF"

Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) was born in the village of Sontsovka in the Donets region of the Ukraine. He was a child prodigy composing for piano at age five and writing an opera at nine. His first teacher was his mother, a talented pianist.
In 1936, Prokofiev returned to settle permanently in the Soviet Union. One of his first compositions after his return was Peter and the Wolf, written in just two weeks in April 1936 for a children's theater in Moscow. Prokofiev invented the story and wrote the narration himself, drawing on memories of his own childhood. He constructed the music as a child's introduction to the orchestra, with each character in the story represented by a different instrument or group of instruments: Peter by the strings, the bird by the flute, the duck by the oboe, the cat by the clarinet, the wolf by the french horn and so on.

Peter and the Wolf wasa great success and has been loved by children all over the world. The music is also sophisticated enough to be enjoyed by adults, And its moral — "You can't be a hero if you don't take risks" —

Each character in the story has a musical theme played by a different instrument in the orchestra.
The Bird's Theme is played by a Flute.
The Duck's Theme is played by an Oboe.
The Cat's Theme is played by a Clarinet — also at Fraction Pie Rhythms.
The Grandfather's Theme is played by the Bassoon.
The Wolf's Theme is played by French Horns — also at Fraction Pie Rhythms.
The Hunter's Theme is played by the Timpani Drums.
And lastly, Peter's Theme is played by the Strings in the orchestra.
This is the Story.....
Early one morning, Peter opened the gate and walked out into the big green meadow.
On a branch of a big tree sat a little bird, Peter's friend. "All is quiet" the bird chirped happily.

Just then a duck came waddling round. She was glad that Peter had not closed the gate and decided to take a nice swim in the deep pond in the meadow.

Seeing the duck, the little bird flew down upon on the grass, settled next to her and shrugged his shoulders. "What kind of bird are you if you can't fly?" said he. To this the duck replied "What kind of bird are you if you can't swim?" and dived into the pond.

They argued and argued, the duck swimming in the pond and the little bird hopping along the shore.

Suddenly, something caught Peter's attention. He noticed a cat crawling through the grass.

The cat thought; "That little bird is busy arguing, I'll just grab him. Stealthily, the cat crept towards him on her velvet paws.

"Look out!" shouted Peter and the bird immediately flew up into the tree, while the duck quacked angrily at the cat, from the middle of the pond. The cat walked around the tree and thought, "Is it worth climbing up so high? By the time I get there the bird will have flown away."

Just then grandfather came out. He was upset because Peter had gone in the meadow. "It's a dangerous place. If a wolf should come out of the forest, then what would you do?"

But Peter paid no attention to his grandfather's words. Boys like him are not afraid of wolves.

But grandfather took Peter by the hand, led him home and locked the gate.

No sooner had Peter gone, than a big grey wolf came out of the forest.

In a twinkling the cat climbed up the tree. The duck quacked, and in her excitement jumped out of the pond. But no matter how hard the duck tried to run, she couldn't escape the wolf. He was getting nearer, nearer, catching up with her. Then he got her, and with one gulp, swallowed her.

And now, this is how things stood: the cat was sitting on one branch, the bird on another . . . not too close to the cat. And the wolf walked around and around the tree, looking at them with greedy eyes.

In the meantime, Peter, without the slightest fear, stood behind the closed gate watching all that was going on. He ran home, got a strong rope, and climbed up the high stone wall.

One of the branches of the tree, around which the wolf was walking, stretched out over the wall.

Grabbing hold of the branch, Peter lightly climbed over on to the tree. Peter said to the bird: "Fly down and circle over the wolf's head. Only take care that he doesn't catch you."

The bird almost touched the wolf's head with his wings while the wolf snapped angrily at him, from this side and that.

How the bird worried the wolf! How he wanted to catch him! But the bird was clever, and the wolf simply couldn't do anything about it.

Meanwhile, Peter made a lasso and carefully letting it down, caught the wolf by the tail and pulled with all his might.

Feeling himself caught, the wolf began to jump wildly trying to get loose.

But Peter tied the other end of rope to the tree, and the wolf's jumping only made the rope around his tail tighter.

Just then, the hunters came out of the woods, following the wolf's trail and shooting as they went.

But Peter, sitting in the tree, said: "Don't shoot! Birdie and I have already caught the wolf. Now help us take him to the zoo."

And now, imagine the triumphant procession: Peter at the head; after him the hunters leading the wolf; and winding up the procession, grandfather and the cat.

Grandfather shook his head discontentedly: "Well, and if Peter hadn't caught the wolf? What then?"

Above them flew Birdie chirping merrily. "My, what brave fellows we are, Peter and I! Look what we have caught!"

And if one would listen very carefully, he could hear the duck quacking inside the wolf; because the wolf in his hurry, had swallowed her alive.
So that's the story of peter and the wolf, and I'd like to thank Phil Tulga
for his web site and research about this wonderful musical composition.
I just felt that it was important to have the story here on my Blog site
it being such a great childhood memory.

2/ I recall a childhood rhyme, or was it a game we used to play
we would say ..... "WHAT'S THE TIME MR WOLF"

3/ No-one can forget the story "Little red riding Hood"
And the big "WOLF" in that childrens classic.

4/ Approx 15 years ago or longer...
My oldest sister..beautiful lady that she is...gave me a book
A most remarkable book by a Dr clarissa Pinkola Estes
I suggest all women..anywhere... who
feel as if they are Wild Women in their go this book
It's an amazing help to any women like me, who
feel helplessly a wild animal in a cage with a lock.
Anyway, I lent this book to a friend...but it was never returned.

then B.J another friend...gave me a copy that she didn't need that was a great gift
thanks B.J...I love this book !

5/ Speaking of B.J...hey beej, old friend
when are you coming to visit me?... Now..I remember,
and this was only fairly recently
maybe a year ago..that you were giving yourself
the name of "WOLFB...." for some project you were working on..
I won't give away the rest of the name you chose,
as you may not want others to know this name.
But I do recall.. that you started to have a slight
fascination with
with "WOLVES" or WOLFISH things ...ha !

6/ When my son Simon came home from hospital
...after his shocking Trauma..something very
strange happened to us both..and I wonder , why after all
the fear that he had already endured..that something
like this could well.
We were sitting on our back porch..relaxing, talking..when
Through our back gate rushes...or rather shoots
this very large, yellowish coloured furred dog..he was "BIG"
Fear's eyes were flashing...It looked sooo
wild and scared...he also scared
simon so much, and simon bolted as fast as he could
...I too raced inside to get away
from this monster of a dog,... the likes of which...
..I have never seen ,except for maybe in the "WOLF"
enclosure of a zoo.Like out of a nightmare....
This Dog looked like a WOLF ..I kid you not.
After a little while I stood at our back door ,
as WOLF.. had come very close to..running inside,
my heart was pounding, like never before...
in total fear, and this is rather strange for me,
as I'm not usually afraid of animals..especially dogs.

He stood at our door..shaking , wild eyed and in terror
he must have been lost or something....I felt sorry for him,
after catching my breath.

I started talking to him gently..realizing ,
that this "WOLF DOG" was obviously traumatised
by something or someone..and needed help..our eyes met...for a moment
and then before I knew it ...he was gone..
running out the back gate ..and away to somewhere.....where I wondered ?
It was a very strange experience to be face to face with this odd creature.
All my instincts tell me...that "like attracting like" sons shocking and fearful experience had
somehow attracted this symbol of what I will call..."The Wild WOLF".

7/ Simon awakes one morning telling me he has dreamed of a "WOLF"
and I have dreams of dog like PAW PRINTS..running up and over walls ?.

8/ Remembering now, a very old story about "THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF"
and how ..a few times ,I heard this story from either my grandmother,
parents ,relatives...or teacher at school.

9/ I recently met a man in an online Forum..whom I like very much indeed
His Avatar is a very ferocious looking "WOLF"..and the forum
members have been having brief discussions on this Wild Dog of nature.
One forum member writing a quote from the bible,
which he said that he keeps above his desk..
" Look, I am sending you out like sheep amongst wolves;
so be wise as snakes
and innocent as doves." The person who had the WOLF Avatar
insists that he is the "Protective WOLF Variety" good to know!
As in some cultures the WOLF is regarded as a very sacred animal
a guardian and protector.

10/ Now this is me.. One Day when our beautiful
mother was still with us..
she stood in front of the "WOLVES" enclosure at the Zoo...
and started Howling..really she was one of them.., it was soo funny ,I laughed so much,
but no-one else thought it was very funny... I think some of my sisters
may have been a little bit embarressed even..but I loved her for this.
mother my wonderful mother..carer and raiser of all WILD things
like me....I Love you Mum.

11/ I remember over the years seeing Lots of documentaries
...on the caring for or the raising of WOLVES
And also the wonderful docos on the WOLF in it's natural habitat.
They really are most amazing creature.
"WOLVES" are apparently one of the few animals..that mate for life!

12/ From the Bible...I remember I always got the shivers
when I heard this little part of script.....
"WOLVES" dressed in Sheeps Clothing.

13/ All those werewolf movies we would watch as teenagers ?.....

14/ the name of A friend ,Handyman and gardner of one of my sisters
was "Wolfgang" ! Wow..what a Name!

15/ 4-2-2006 We visit friends,Pam and Peppi up in the Hills of silvan
Peppi puts on a video..a compilation of old songs by various
Atists.. after a few songs this song... comes on
This somewhat startles me..until I start talking about their
beautiful Big Dog called Tas, named after a tasmanian Devil they'd
once seen in Tasmania ..Pepi said they'd tossed up, as whether to call
the dog "Tas" or "Devil"...but he didn't want to be calling out
Devil all the time. I start stroking Tas, he's huge, gorgeous and
his long fur is so soft.
I casually mention to Pep.... that he looks a bit
like a "WOLF"...only to have Peppi say that Tas being a "German Shepherd"
is really related to the "WOLF" as are Alsatians...this is an
added shock...and the reason
I'm writing about it here, as part of the string of synchronicities
concerning this wonderful creature.

16/ Bob and I love the Blues singer "HOWLIN WOLF" and have a few
of his albums /cd's etc

17/ One of my favourite songs,...when I'm in the mood to party
and it goes like this......
crank up the music.... and this song is a classic.....

I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain
He was looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's
Going to get himself a big dish of beef chow mein
Werewolves of London

If you hear him howling around your kitchen door
Better not let him in
Little old lady got mutilated late last night
Werewolves of London again
Werewolves of London

He's the hairy-handed gent who ran amuck in Kent
Lately he's been overheard in Mayfair
Better stay away from him
He'll rip your lungs out, Jim
I'd like to meet his tailor
Werewolves of London

Well, I saw Lon Chaney walking with the Queen
Doing the
I saw Lon Chaney, Jr. walking with the Queen
Doing the
I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's
His hair was perfect
Werewolves of London
Draw blood

HI THERE..well well!! another "WOLFISH"
.. synchronicity... starting to come in
loud and clear now ..

Tuesday the 14th march..
I met up with an old.. online
friend again.. Jen..I was so happy to
see her again..gorgeous woman that she is
Jen Lives in Canada.. but ...
Now jen tells me that she
is of the micmac..(I hope this spelling is correct)
tribe of indian..I find
this so fascinating..but more so... the
fact that her spirit guide
is the.. "WOLF"..I
think Jen was trying to tell
me that WOLF is
more than just a guide.
.in her tribes
traditional lores..and I
can't wait to find
out the rest of the Wolf story
..She is such
a lovely lady.....and though
I was surprised.. about this
re-emergence of wolf symbology
in my life...I'm
not so ..shocked ..any more
That the ..coming.
..closer....closer to me..
I think he wants to be patted...
I think he sees that I am part wild thing
...and he is losing his fear of me..
I think he brings strength..and
secrets..and love..and mysteries
that are yet to be seen and revealed....

..stronger than ever..These wolf
synchronicities are now becoming
a flaming sign to me.. but where exactly
the sign is pointing..I do not know....
I'll definitely be looking out for this one...

Now I know there are other "WOLFISH"
things to add to this list
..and as I remember more..and try
to work out why I'm seeing so
many WOLFISH things...
I will come back here and write
a little bit more.
I have a feeling that some members
of my family
..may have a few things to add to this

Love cathy xxx

Funny money words

Hi , Isn't it funny, all the odd words we humans come up with that
are supposed to mean- money, abundance and riches, I was looking through an old Thesaraus that belonged to my grandfather, the pages are a pale yellow, (a little like my teeth ) some parts are missing,(a little like my teeth ),And some sections of this book are missing altogether...(a little like my teeth ).However the important parts are still there (a little like my teeth).The first edition of this Thesaurus was printed in 1852, I'm looking at the 1913 edition, and will add some more modern terms as I come across them. Don't worry if I have repeated a few, because, according to my Manifesting Manuel, that's a good thing, as apparently..repeating your desires at spaced intervals, helps in the manifestation of that desire... These aren't all the words, there's too many to list...but these few should have you thinking !GOOD LUCK and MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU.
lettuce,sugar,bread,dough,corn,dollars,pennies,mint,greenbacks,beans,coconuts,clams,fish,capital,taler,juno,moneta,gold,treasure,moolah,milk&honey,finance,funds,bacon,store house,means,material,inheritance,second crop,current,credit,account,produce,reap the fruits, reap the grain, good harvest,success,blessed,endowed,well-lined,opulence,affluence,provisions,double entry,fortune,share of wealth,check,cheque,lump sum,tester,groat,supplies,stock,sum,cash,blunt,dust,mopus,tin,chink,gold,silver,sweets,security,nabob,enrich,feather ones nest,line ones purse,heavy purse,pecunious,midas,plutus,dives,millions,thousands,hundreds,mint of money,eldorado,affluence,mammon,well off,notes,kite,credits,draft,endorsement,green,herb,feast,lump sum,meat,ways and means,rhino,ones ship coming in,second crop,advantageous,-in the shoes of,solvent,gain,well to do,prize,profit,flush,assets,danae,loaves and fishes,imburse, hold ones head above water,earnings,income profits,fruit, main chance, I hope you're drooling and hope you... "get some".

The Rubiat of Omar Khayam

Hi there, Have you heard of a book called the "BOOK WONDERFUL"
or the "GREAT OMAR". It has recently been presented to the British Library.
The "RUBIAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM" was written by a remarkable Persian Poet...because he
wasn't just a poet, he was also an astronomer a mathematician,a philosopher
and a scientist.If you like, you can read all about his discoveries, as there's plenty- about Omars genius. He was born in Nishapur/Persia in 1048 and was more than likely a "Tent Maker" by trade, as persian poets in those days, often took the names of their trade, according to research.

I've been told that the poetry he wrote is truly inspiring, though I haven't read any of his work yet....I will, in the near future. I am really more interested in the Astounding Book Binding for this set of poems.Sangorski decided to create a cover/binding for this poetry based on the Edward Fitzgerald translation of the Rubiat of Omar Khayyam.
The original copy took him 2 years to complete, but unfortunately went down with the Titanic in 1912.Sangorski ,who was determined to astonish the world with the greatest book binding of all time,died tragically...he drowned,I read ,in a bathtub ? and someone called "Bray" took over his work.
Using the original sangorski plans for the book..he went to work for another 6 years
only to have the book destroyed in the London blitz.(no wonder this book has the legend of being "cursed".The next time around (the 3rd copy)Took Bray,another 40 years to complete.He used
5,000 pieces of inlaid leather, 1,052 garnets,olivines,turquoise, emerald,topaz plus 600
sheets of 22carat gold leaf .I just can't comprehend the sheer magnitude of this work, and the love that must have gone into this immense project.As I surfed the web, I came across a picture of this book cover and it's truly wonderful, though I'm sure you would have to see the real thing
in order to realize its full beauty.It is known as the greatest Book Binding in all the world and I'm sure sangorski would be extremely pleased, to see his dream , finally manifested. Bray did a most remarkable job,from sangorskis original plans.
I have always been interested in book binding and was seriously thinking of doing a course...maybe I will one of these days, probably take me 40 years just to finish the course!...The cover of this book has peacocks, which some say ,is an emblem of ill fortune or sorrow...well the book certainly did go through some terrible times
before it was finally handed over to the library where I'm sure it's mightily protected.It's quite an intriguing story and... I think I'll stay away from painting peacocks. MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU.

Fish Garden

Eye in the sky ...

This is another of my absolute favorites,called "Eye in the Sky". It's of the back of a tanned woman on a beautiful summers day, ,there is something in the sky, but I don't know if I meant it to be the "Sun" or "Gods Eye", It could be either...I will leave that up to your imagination and interpretation.It actually belongs to the man that I talk about in the "Halo" story, MY HOLY ENEMY. He was good enough to loan me some money one day when I really needed it, so we did a sort of swap...He lent me cash and I gave him 3 of my lovely paintings, on the proviso that I could buy them back when I had the money to repay him, this was my idea but the ( high interest when I wanted them back, well that was his idea ). It's been years now and I still haven't found the money+ interest to buy my paintings back, but I guess, in a strange way, I think that if I had to do this then I'm so glad that He has them and that they are STILL SAFE. Let me know if you are interested in a print , and I will contact him, I'm almost sure that he would oblige. MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU.

Nude with Aliens

This is a pretty old painting,well not a Newie - notice the little Aliens in the background...That was during my alien period,I was painting quite a few aliens rather consistently for a while there- quite odd I think. Anyway , this painting was done just on a piece of raw canvas, I don't even think I primed it, hence the rough sort of look to the canvas, It could easily be trimmed up, and would make a really lovely print.Please read what I have written under the other paintings thanks.

Gabriel ...messenger of god

I have always been fascinated by the stories about that great Angel
called "Gabriel". I remember as a child (we were raised as catholics)hearing
the story of how this Angel/messenger of God- supposedly came to Mary, and told
her that she was going to give birth to a man,...who was to be called Jesus,and
who would later become the savior of the world.I've also read that he visited
Daniel,Mohammed and quite a few others during his hyper-space,missions.

I often wonder what Einstein, made of these messenger stories...I can Imagine
him saying..Hmmm,very interesting
Gabriel, was very possibly .."A TIME TRAVELER", able to zip through worm
holes whenever he wanted...delivering messages of importance, and giving
people glimpses of a Future state!.Einsteins thoughts on Time travel ,will
probably end up being the real truth...and that Gabriel is indeed a MESSENGER
FROM OUR FUTURE.This idea would not be taking anything away from Gods power
or his mystery, but would only add to the already amazing attributes of our
unseeable,powerful,secretive and almighty ruler.
Someone has to be in charge of this fragile humanity..without intervention
it's possible that we would have wiped ourselves out ....ages before now.
So maybe.....just maybe
our God is a very Brave Mind, a protector for this feeble minded humanity..
who travels himself or sends "messengers" (when he's too busy) from a Time
far ahead of ours, and from a time where the technology is so advanced,that it's
almost beyond what we could
imagine.We are definitely
not left alone and there
are ways to communicate with our God.There has to be some real truth to these Angel stories, as too many people have witnessed ,and written about them. I have
seen a real Halo around someones head,which in ancient days would have been described as a visitation. However, scientists
are finding ,that everything has an aura, an energy field around it...Is this what I was seeing- Just an energy field
and is this what the angel witnesses of old were seeing?
.....or is there something more to these visions of light...are there really divine messengers of God...If only I knew.
If we want to talk to divine beings, it's suggested that we become open minded
on the subject.

Prayer & meditation is said to be the best way to commune with the Heavenly
are finding out that "thought" travels
faster than anything that we know of, faster than sound,....faster
than light. It's an interesting idea,...that of Time Travel...but even
more interesting is the idea of timelessness.Maybe Heavenly creatures come from a place where there is no time....& they are neither past nor future...but just always there !....
that's a whole other story !

Now in this section I will write a little about what Gabriel is meant
to protect, what his signs are and what he was supposed to represent
These are not my ideas, but I have snippets of information from some
interesting books and
some very interesting web sites...I guess I just liked the information
so much, that I am including it here. Thanks to anyone reading this
who may have contributed to these stories about that great archangel.

I have a great imagination myself... and I can imagine coming into
contact with a Tall, magnetic
mesmerizing, holy, know-it-all and
Divine Messenger from God., it would certainly fulfill a few of my fantasies
with no disrespect to Gabriel..of course. Anyway,when all is said and done,
I would probably just faint
from the sheer strangeness of any such meeting,and I've heard that it's very
hard to.....
look an Angel in the eye!Here
is what they say about him...

GABRIEL...ARCHANGEL OF GOD. According to Jewish legend..he was fired from
his position as gods messenger...apparently, he did something that
displeased god, and I'd really like to know what that was!
God hired someone called Dobiel to take his place for a while, and then
after some time had passed,Gabriel was reinstated. Gabriel means strength of God...Strong one.Annunciator, Guardian, Prince of fire, and in charge of sacred
writings, communications,and is a revealer of truths.He can bestow Gifts
of psychic ability, and has the power to give unfertile women...fertility.
He can also give gifts of Vision,Hearing,Revelation,and some say resurrection.
he can equalize and Balance situations that are out of balance.I guess that
would make him an angel of Justice.He presides over thunder and storm and gives
understanding of the mysteries,such as Miracles. An angel strong in Truth and
according to one author he is the Governor of the "West" His flower is the lilly,
His element is water and he has all knowledge of the cycles of women. His day is Monday. He brings, order,discipline, hope and joy.I also read that he is connected
with the moon and when holding a moonstone , we could think of him and his power
over pro-creation.His twin flame is Hope and Gabriel
teaches us all about the light
and how to know the light and hold it.His feast day is September 29th and there is an Essene prayer that goes like this....Gabriel,Angel of Life, enter my limbs and
give strength to my whole body.Wow...this is some... great Angel, wouldn't you like to meet him, because I would.....At least I know that if he frightened me to death...he could bring me back to life again. ha! As I find out more , I will add to this page. Once again, thanks to those who researched and wrote about Gabriel.He sounds pretty fascinating to me.


The Apricot Tree Miracle

This is the true story about my apricot tree, It's the 2nd time
around the 1st story disappeared into cyber space...somewhere.
Once upon a time I bought a bag of apricots,and had myself an apricot feast (notice how you can never stop at just one apricot)and when I'd finished with these delicious delights,I planted one of the seeds.I love to save fruit seeds, It's one of my passions or some might say one of my eccentricities.
The seed was from a local fruiter, a common apricot variety,probably grown in someones orchard, or backyard, as the fruit was very very small, unlike the gigantic,genetically altered ones you get these days.Anyway

I put the seed in a pot,nurtured it, talked to it, and it grew into a beautiful..albeit, very small apricot tree.After 15 years or so, it developed small green apricots that would never mature and always fell to the ground , leaving me somewhat, bewildered & saddened, that after all that time my tree still hadn't given me any apricots.My father remarked that my
tree would "never fruit" that it was cruel to grow plants in pots,as they had no chance to search for nutrients and became pot-bound etc. My father grows beautiful fruit trees and is an avid gardener and plant lover,however my reply to him was that

I actually thought potted plants received more attention, more water, more love
as I always headed for the potted plants first, before watering the rest of the garden.

Also I often had visions/dreams of running away from the "burbs", and my family... carrying my potted fruit trees, down the road to someplace else!(back to the story)
By this stage, my little tree was looking remarkably like a Japanese Bonsai
with its rough,dark brown, curled and knotted branches, it's tiny , perfect white blossoms - sometimes I noticed these flowers coming on in the late winter ...I couldn't help but marvel at this most delicate and amazing thing. After some time had passed, I started to feel sorry for this strange specimen of plant life ,and with great ceremony...I planted it under the shade of a t-tree,I gave it a silent blessing and ample water...maybe my father was right ..this time.

In 2001...not long before my Wonderful Mother left this earth plane ,for somewhere else...My Apricot tree Fruited.. How amazing it was to see the once green pea sized buds..turn into real apricots and to be able to take my beautiful mother 6
of these 12 perfectly formed...small, & sweet apricots. I regarded this as a "Miracle"
and it honestly felt as if God himself had just waved his hand and ordered this tree
to do something!.Strangely enough the tree has never fruited again, It's been 4 years now.If you looked at this tree ,no more than 4ft would say..there's no chance that the tree could fruit...But it did, and I know it will again. MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU. THANKING JEFF AT "FEEBLE MINDS"WEB SITE FOR THE FREE TREE GIF


Once upon a Time ...I really did meet a Man called Mr Griffin...
And just like Jackie Paper in "Puff the Magic dragon" ...I loved
him So!.....

Some researchers place Griffins or(Gryphons)in the same category
as DRAGONS...I'm very unsure of what kind of a Dragon I met...
but he was definitely part Lion being a (leo) and could move more
swiftly than any bird I've seen in the sky....You know his sense of hearing
was extremely evolved also...not to mention his many other amazing attributes!
but..I'll leave that story till another day....It's very interesting indeed!
However...I'm Quite sure ..the more I think about it
... that I really did meet a very unusual Dragon...Man !

Thanks to all the people and web sites that I went to ,who
researched this Legendary Creature...I hope you don't mind me
using your information here...It's just that I've always been interested
in such myth and these ones...

Puff the Magic Dragon
words by: Lenny Lipton
music by: Peter Yarrow (of Peter, Paul and Mary)

Puff, the magic dragon
Lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist
In a land called Honah Lee

Little Jackie Paper
Loved that rascal Puff,
And brought him strings and sealing wax
And other fancy stuff. Oh!

Puff, the magic dragon
Lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist
In a land called Honah Lee

Puff, the magic dragon
Lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist
In a land called Honah Lee

Together they would travel
On a boat with billowed sail
Jackie kept a lookout perched
On Puff's gigantic tail

Noble kings and princes
Would bow whene'er they came,
Pirate ships would lower their flag
When Puff roared out his name. Oh!

Puff, the magic dragon
Lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist
In a land called Honah Lee

A dragon lives forever
But not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings
Make way for other toys.

One grey night it happened,
Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon,
He ceased his fealess roar.

His head was bent in sorrow,
Green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play
Along the cherry lane.

Without his life-long friend,
Puff could not be brave,
So Puff that mighty dragon
Sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!

(Sing Chorus Softly)

Puff, the magic dragon
Lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist
In a land called Honah Lee

(Sing Chorus Loudly)

Puff, the magic dragon
Lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist
In a land called Honah Lee

fascinated by such incredible winged animals...As I find out more
I will add to this page...later

The griffin (also spelt gryphon, griffon or gryphin) is a legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle with the addition of prominent ears. The female has the wings of an eagle. The male (known as a keythong) has projecting spikes instead of wings and is less frequently depicted. The griffin is generally represented with four legs, wings and a beak, with eagle-like talons in place of a lion's forelegs and equine ears jutting from its skull. ...

In Christian symbolism, the Gryphon originally represented Satan and evil, but later came to represent Christ, especially his dual nature, both divine and earthly, as the Gryphon had mastery of both land and sky, and was noble and majestic. Gryphons were said to kill serpents and basilisks, both embodiments of evil, thus protecting mankind. Gryphons symbolize both strength and wisdom combined in heraldry. On medieval buildings, Gryphons were often used as gargoyles, great stone guardians.
This is called the "FACE OF JESUS" It was done one night after a terrible crisis, and when I was really needing divine help... A MIRACLE. This face sort of painted Itself, meaning the brushwork flowed, without much effort from me...and was painted very quickly. When it was finished, I stared at it in disbelief, I was amazed at how lovely it was, It felt as if It had come from a higher source...Like something Heavenly or... Holy. Please go to the special Jesus Page and you
can print out this image. Also you may want this image on T.Shirts
I have a little store front, where I'm selling this image on T-Shirts and other Items....God Gone Commercial ? maybe.It's such a beautiful face that I think, It should be shared around...If you would care to look at other items with this face
then please go and a look here


This is a little Beauty..As you can see it's a coloured paper collage.I did it
during my "Alien Era".It's a strange work , because I remember cutting the "is anybody out there" from scraps of letters from a news paper-then,not too long after that..If I'm recalling correctly, we saw that funny orange light in the sky ?
read the blog post "strange orange light in the sky " I'm not saying that there is a definite connection with my art and the things that I see in my life...but I have done quite a few paintings over the years where ..on completion , the subject of my work, suddenly manifested into my reality. You can believe this or not ...but it's TRUE !
I will try to find a painting I did of a buddhist monk...that looked like a woman
because after I did that painting...I met a buddhist (woman)a nun when I was
selling pottery at a market. I was quite shocked by this and immediately thought that my painting had come to life. (c)paintingcopyrightcatherinewalker1990

This is a funny little painting, I just did it on some old paper, but the result
was very interesting, quite remarkable, I think. I started painting more of these Alien type themes after we had seen that "STRANGE ORANGE LIGHT IN THE SKY" early 90's.(c)copyrightcatherinewalker1991 Read my story on this blog. Anyway,
I'm not really sure where these images came from....somewhere in the recesses of my
imagination... a dark dusty corner of my mind - and I often wonder why I put the rabbit in there, what is this symbolic rabbit run, scared humans maybe? All in All, It's a very nice work and would make a great small print, if anyone is interested. Please read what I've written under my other paintings on this blog. MAY THE POWER ALSO BE WITH YOU.
This is called WILD GARDEN ..It's a huge approx 6ftx4ft painting
It now belongs to one of my beautiful sisters.

I did this for our youngest sisters birthday when she turned 39 I think ? ...It's a funny,simple little painting that is meant to be showing us..the 5 sisters as slightly weird and odd.. which we are,.Don't get me wrong,my sisters are all very intelligent women,but there is definitely another slant to the faces that they show the world... Yes they all have a bit of a bent sense of humor...especially after a few wines. I love it and so did she, It's a little like a cartoon. We have a brother also,"Pete the Fireman" and It's not that I wanted to leave him out,It's just that this painting was done, just for women/girls and I guess in honor of the female principle. There we all are picking or just finished picking the fruit from the trees...a great harvest, and picking fresh fruit is always something our family enjoys matter whose garden. I was told that I got into trouble as a child for stealing the neighbours Cashew fruits? I remember picking fruit many many times
and what a great feeling it was(still is). Thank god our father continues to grow some delicious things in his back yard ...we would certainly be missing something without Fathers trees. I'm the lazy one in the pic..on the ground having my usual cat nap!but no-one got to see how hard I really worked in that orchard... Oh!... and I almost forgot...the shooting star near the moon in the background, is a symbolic representation of our Wonderful,Colourful Mother...who was life.. "quicker" and "brighter" than any lights that we have witnessed in this worlds skies.