Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Magnificent Walls that Bob and I Created

Hi Everyone..These walls took us approx a year to complete.
The Tiles are huge.. & made from clay, they
are hand carved, hand painted, glazed and then fired..
The colours are really wonderful if you could see them upclose.
we also used a lot of grout !!..The walls were made for a
special section of Garden
at a lovely place called the "Hunter valley" in NSW Australia.
with the scenic rocky outcrops surrounding this propery.
we thought these walls looked just Amazing and added another dimension to the already interesting and mystical landscape. The owners
were Just thrilled to see the finished product and they
love these walls..the walls are generating quite a bit of interest.
If you ever want something similar for your own garden.
then email me at Thanks.

1 comment:

Roger Bjornerud said...

If I ever get to Australia I will visit and see it "for real". :)