Wednesday, May 31, 2006

dreaming similar or same dreams

Strange how sometimes people can dream of similar or exactly the same things.
I was going through my dream book and was suprised to find- that not only had some of my dreams become a reality, but that I and members of my family have had the same or extremely similar dream .Simon woke -one morning to tell me that he had been "drawing something on the road" in his dream...Thats funny,I said because I dreamt of "drawing on the ground" same night ,similar dream ? A few years ago,before my beautiful mother died, we were talking on the phone, and I mentioned that I'd had a strange dream of being in a sort of boarding house,it was a large old house anyway.There were a couple of children in the top part of a bunk bed,-one had a teddy bear,I think it was a boy + a girl, they didn't speak, but I had the distinct feeling that they were "waiting" for someone- they seemed calm -but had that real waiting look. I go to a curtain and pull it aside to find 3 men with the same waiting looks on their faces- apparently in MY double bed I order them out...I look into another room with a small light on the wall above a desk, and there is my mothers brother who is a catholic priest, he has his back to me and is busy reading or writing something at a childs school desk. I inform the 3 men that "My uncle is a priest you know"...(I must have tried to use him as an authority figure,in order to remove them from my bed )Anyways..before I could finish my story to mum she said hang on cath,...(same person in our dream ) I dreamt of Father last night too !, well- I gasped,I was shocked.. it was uncanny so I asked mum what had happened in her dream and she said that the only thing she could remember was Father saying to her...
I'm going to give you the "tattslotto numbers" and he handed her a bit of paper?.We had a good yarn about this dream, mum even mentioning it to her brother- who asked whether he should go out and buy us a ticket?..but mum said no, maybe she should have said yes? By the way, Father did look after parish on Kangaroo Island ,off the coast of S.A many years ago, we visited there once and It was a beautiful Island apparently still is..Father had and still has though retired now, a wonderful reputation for being an honest, gentle and very caring man,everyone who meets him loves him, you can't help it, as he's just that sort of person. Mum mentioned that there were some old run down type buildings there,
I do often wonder about that dream -I'm sure there is something to it ! by the way...This Blog feels a bit hidden too! May the power also be with you.

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